Advancements in CO2 adsorption performance of porous organic frameworkstructures and their derivatives
ZHANG Yuke;LI Xiangyu;WANG Jiancheng;YI Qun;
State Key Laboratory of Clean and Efficient Utilization of Coal-Based Energy,Taiyuan university and technology
College ofEnvironmental Science and Engineering,Taiyuan university and technology
School of Chemical Engineering andPharmaceutical Sciences,Wuhan Institute of technology;
Carbon-based fuel conversion and utilization in liquid metalanode solid oxide fuel cells
GU Xin;JIANG Yidong;SHI Yixiang;CAI Ningsheng;
Department of Energy and Power Engineering,Tsinghua University
School of Materials Science &Engineering,Fuzhou University;
Research progress on selective thermal extraction and productanalysis of low-rank coal
LIANG Peng;HAO Meilu;QIN Xizhuang;
College of Chemical and Biological Engineering,Shandong University of Science and Technology;
Analysis of application prospects of solid state hydrogen storage technologyin the demonstration project of “hydrogen entering myriad homes”
ZHAO Qiang;LI Lijun;ZHAO Chaoshan;HAO Jia;LIU Jun;WANG Xinyu;PAN Fengwen;
National Fuel Cell Technology Innovation Center;
Research on the evolution of high-carbon resource utilization and pathwaysto achieve low-carbonization
LIANG Dingcheng;XIE Zhucan;GE Junhan;XIE Qiang;LIU Guangbo;Tsubaki Noritatsu;CHEN Qingping;
School of Chemical and Environmental Engineering,China University of Mining and Technology-Beijing
Qingdao Institute ofBioenergy and Bioprocess Technology,Chinese Academy of Sciences
Department of Applied Chemistry,Graduate School ofEngineering,University of Toyama;
Research progress in methane combustion catalyzed by perovskite catalysts
ZHU Tao;WANG Meidan;YUAN Bo;ZHANG Xueli;ZHANG Xinyue;HUANG Yuhuan;LI Chen;XU Xudong;SUN Qian;
School of Chemical and Environmental Engineering,China University of Mining & Technology-Beijing
State Key LaboratoryCultivation Base for Gas Geology and Gas Control (Henan Polytechnic University)
Shanxi Gemeng SinoUS Clean Energy R & D Center Co.,Ltd.;
Progress and prospect of oxy-rich combustion mechanism of coal powderbased on cross-scale molecular reaction simulation
ZHANG Hai;LIU Wenyang;CAO Junjie;WU Kunmin;LUO Saibei;FAN Weidong;
School of Mechanical and Power Engineering,Shanghai Jiao Tong University;
Reactive characteristics and kinetic analysis of organic macerals in Qinghuabituminous coal via chemical looping gasification
WAN Huining;WANG Qiang;YAO Qi;LU Youpeng;WU Jianbo;WU Yuhua;ZHANG Hui;BAI Hongcun;
State Key Laboratory of High-Efficiency Utilization of Coal and Green Chemical Engineering,College of Chemistry andChemical Engineering,Ningxia University;
Hydrogen production from steam reforming of long chain hydrocarbon fuelsusing pyrochlore supported catalysts
LI Lin;WANG Yurui;LI Shuang;SHI Yixiang;
Shanxi Research Institute for Clean Energy,Tsinghua University
Department of Energy and Power Engineering,KeyLaboratory for Thermal Science and Power Engineering of Ministry of Education,Tsinghua University;
Preparation of high performance bio-oil derived carbon by MOFtemplate-alkali activation method
MA Yakai;ZHU Xifeng;WANG Chu;
Department of Thermal Science and Energy Engineering,University of Science and Technology of China;