Carbon residue prediction of coal combustion in circulating fluidized bedboiler based on particle tracer
2024 No. 11
MA Zhangke
CHENG Leming
LI Liyao
ZHANG Weiguo
GUO Qiang
State Key Laboratory of Clean Energy Utilization,Institute for Thermal Power Engineering,Zhejiang University,Hangzhou
JiaxingResearch Institute,Zhejiang University,Jiaxing
Dongfang Boiler Group Co. Ltd.,Zigong
The carbon residue is essential for reflecting the combustion efficiency of CFB boiler,the accurate prediction of carbon residuehas significance for CFB operation and design. Based on the trajectory and residence time of particles in the furnace,the carbon content ofcoal particles out of the furnace is calculated. The effects of residence time,furnace temperature,coal rank,and excess air ratio have beeninvestigated. It is found that the coal particle with longer residence time has lower carbon content. When the bed temperature increasesfrom 800 ℃ to 900 ℃,the carbon residue decreases by about 40%−50%. Increasing the excess air ratio from1.05 to 1.3,the carbon residuereduces by 10%−30%. The rank of coal is the key factor to carbon residue. The volatile, fixed carbon content and reactivity of coaldetermine the burnout behavior. By comparing the calculated results by the CFB design method and the experimental data,it is provedthat the prediction of residual carbon based on the trajectory method is reasonable.
carbon residue
particle trajectory
circulating fluidized bed
residence time
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Citation format:
MA Zhangke,CHENG Leming,LI Liyao,et al. Carbon residue prediction of coal combustion in circulating fluidized bed boiler based on particle tracer[J].Clean Coal Technology,2024,30(11):59−65.