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Effect of associated minerals in Zhundong high-iron coal on theapparent properties of coal water slurry

2024 No. 06
LIU Xiaotian
WEN Rongrong
XU Yanfeng
GAO Haoyang
Key Laboratory of Coal Clean Conversion & Chemical Engineering Process, School of Chemical Engineering and Technology,Xinjiang University

The Zhundong Heishan mining area, particularly the Jiangjunmiao No.2 mine, is abundant in high iron coal reserves, a sourceof high-quality power coal. The impact of primary associated minerals in coal on the performance of coal water slurry was focused on,using these coal samples. The samples, varying by mineral content, type, and distribution rule, were divided into different density gradesvia the coal flotation and sedimentation separation method, facilitating an evaluation of their influence on slurryability. Energy dispersivespectrometer (EDS), X-ray diffraction (XRD), and X-ray fluorescence (XRF) were utilized to pinpoint the elemental content and mineral composition in the samples. Correlations between different mineral element content and pulping performance were calculatedusing SPSS software. It was observed that the density of Zhundong high iron coal primarily concentrated in the 1.40-1.50 g/ cm3 range, representing 55.88% of the total. Coal samples exceeding 1.50 g/ cm3 in density accountes for roughly 4.88%.Pyrite, ferric sulfate, kaolin,and quartz content increased proportionally to the coal sample density. Coal samples exceeding 1.50 g/ cm3 in density contained high levelsof associated minerals, with Al, Si, S, and Fe reaching their peak. In this case, the Fe mass fraction increases from below 0.5% to5.97%. Coal water slurry samples displayes a decrease in viscosity and stability as coal sample density increases. The coal water slurry viscosity generated by the ZD1 coal sample, with less than 1.40 g/ cm3 density, stand at 960 mPa·s, with a water precipitation rate of1.37%. Meanwhile, the slurry sample generated by coal samples exceeding 1.50 g/ cm3 in density is too thin, reducing slurry viscosity to320 mPa·s and elevating the water precipitation rate to 9.09%. The correlation analysis reveales that the associated Na, Mg, and Ca elements in coal are relatively evenly distributed across coal samples at all density grades, and showes no clear correlation with the slurryforming performance. Conversely, the contents of Al, Si, S, and Fe elements are significantly and extremely significantly negatively correlated with the slurry viscosity and stability, respectively. In other words, the higher the pyrite, ferric sulfate, kaolin, and quartz massfractions are, the more pronounced the downward trend in the viscosity and stability of the coal water slurry are.

Zhundong high-iron coal
floating and sinking separation
coal sample physical property analysis
coal water slurry perform ance
correlation analysis
Citation format:
Citation format:
LIU Xiaotian,WANG Shan,WEN Rongrong,et al.Effect of associated minerals in Zhundong high-iron coal on the apparentproperties of coal water slurry[J].Clean Coal Technology,2024,30(6):68-74.

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