Cross-industry coupling carbon dioxide recycling technology in chemicaland metallurgy
2024 No. 04
LI Shuangde
LI Zhenrong
LIU Yifan
LI Shaopeng
CHENG Jingcai
LI Huiquan
CHEN Yunfa
Institute of Process Engineering,Chinese Academy of Sciences
University of Chinese Academy ofSciences
Institute of Coal Chemistry,Chinese Academy of Sciences
Shanghai Advanced Research Institute,Chinese Academy of Sciences
The dual carbon strategy is a major national strategy,which will also promote the high-quality and sustainable development ofthe national economy. The time of China′s carbon peak to carbon neutrality is short and the task is heavy. Carbon dioxide emissionsfrom chemical and metallurgy in China are about 3.6 billion tons per year,accounting for about 36% of the country′s industrial carbonemissions. In addition,waste gas,solid waste,waste heat generation from chemical and metallurgical possess large heap stock,difficult touse,low recycling rate. The development of low-carbon transformation and revolution of chemical and metallurgy is the fundamental guarantee for the realization of the dual carbon goal in China′s industrial field. Most of China′s chemical and metallurgy are mature processesof more than 100 years,and the carbon reduction capacity is limited only through raw material and fuel substitution,together with greenprocess transformation,so it is urgent to carry out cross-industry coupling and recycling technology of chemical and metallurgy,which canfurther promote carbon reduction in these industrial field. Most of China′s chemical and metallurgy are isolated,non-cyclic continuousprocesses,which will cause the difficult of cross-industry coupling and recycling. In response to the above problems,the current situationof the control for carbon emission and national strategic for the realization of the dual carbon goal in chemical and metallurgy were firstlyanalyzed. Secondly,three strategies for carbon reduction and efficiency improvement were proposed: The coupling of waste gas and wasteheat for transferring into high-quality gas,the coupling of waste gas and waste gas to produce high-end chemicals,and the coupling ofwaste gas and solid waste to produce low-carbon based materials. Finally,in order to provide support for the low-carbon and green development of industry,the specific technology for cross-industry coupling carbon dioxide recycling of chemical and metallurgy were proposed.
chemical and metallurgy
carbon dioxide
carbon reduction
cross-industry coupling
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Citation format:
LI Shuangde,LI Zhenrong,DONG Xiao,et al. Cross-industry coupling carbon dioxide recycling technology in chemicaland metallurgy[J].Clean Coal Technology,2024,30(4):171-178.