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Analysis of the carbon emission reduction potential of straw hydrothermalliquefaction technology in 30 provinces of China

2024 No. 03
LIU Zuoxi
WEI Yingying
YANG Tianhua
WANG Shanshan
LI Bingshuo
LI Yanlong
LIU Shan
School of Energy and Environment,Shenyang University of Aeronautics and Astronautics
Department of Quality Control,Liaoning Center for Disease Control and Prevention

Hydrothermal liquefaction technology, as a biomass thermo-chemical method with broad prospects for development and utilization, is still in a blank state of research on the carbon emission reduction potential of hydrothermal liquefaction technology in China. In order to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and energy consumption, conventional hydrothermal liquefaction technology is combined with photovoltaic technology to use renewable energy electricity to replace the electricity consumption during the operation of the hydrothermal liquefaction system, and utilize the biochar produced to return to the soil by using soil carbon sequestration technology, achieving negative carbon emissions. The greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, energy consumption and carbon reduction potential of deploying photovoltaic(PV) hydrothermal liquefaction ( HRL) plants in 30 provinces in China were studied, and a multi - region hybrid life cycle assessment model in China was established. The input-output life cycle was combined with the IPCC factorization approach to calculate GHGemissions and energy consumption. Firstly, the life cycle GHG emissions and energy consumption of the PV hydrothermal liquefactionplant in Henan Province as a demonstration province were assessed. The carbon dioxide emissions of the PV hydrothermal liquefactionplant are 128.76 t(CO2-eq) and the total energy consumption was 48 371.01 kg (standard coal)during its construction. The energy consumption and GHG emission impacts of each province and its economic sector can be obtained in an input-output economic context byusing the established hybrid LCA. Henan Province has the most significant impact from a spatial perspective. Furthermore, the chemicalproducts sector is the largest sector for implied GHG emitting and energy consuming. The carbon reduction efficacy of different proportionsof biochar returned to the soil were analyzed base on scenarios. The results show that the carbon dioxide emissions will be reduced by1 686.53 t by returning all the biochar produced by a photovoltaic hydrothermal liquefaction plant in Henan Province to the soil. Combining biochar carbon sequestration technology, the impact of GHG emissions from transportation distances of 41-200 km in conjunction wasanalyzed. The results show that even if sufficient straw yield is collected by expanding the collection radius in straw-poor areas, the construction of a photovoltaic hydro-thermal liquefaction plant will reduce carbon dioxide emissions by 1 603.91 t when all the biochar produced is returned to the field. Photovoltaic hydrothermal liquefaction (PVHL) technology has the potential for large-scale deployment. Soassuming that straw from all provinces is maximized for use in PVHL, the carbon dioxide emissions will be reduced by 213.2 Mt/ a by theproduction of bio-oil and bio-gas to replace the use of fossil fuels, and the production of bio-char will all be immobilized in the soil,which will result in a cumulative reduction of 114.14 Mt/ a. Therefore, the deployment of PV hydrothermal liquefaction technology in 30provinces in China could have a significant impact on achieving national GHG reduction targets.

hybrid life cycle assessment
input-output analysis
photovoltaic hydrothermal liquefaction technical
negative carbon emissions
Citation format:
Citation format:
LIU Zuoxi,WEI Yingying,WANG Jian,et al.Analysis of the carbon emission reduction potential of straw hydrothermal liq-uefaction technology in 30 provinces of China[J].Clean Coal Technology,2024,30(3):96-105.

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