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Influencing factors on electroconductivity of ultra-pure anthracite

2024 No. 01
SONG Shulei
YAN Shanwen
XU Xuan
CHEN Zengqiang
LIU Hongqi
Key Laboratory of Coal Processing & Efficient Utilization,Ministry of Education
School of Chemical Engineering,China University of Mining and Technology
Shandong Ruifu Lithium Industry Co.,Ltd.

In order to study the electroconductivity of anthracite and improve its conductivity, and make anthracite become a part of fillerand electrode materials, ultra-pure anthracite with ash content of 0.13% was prepared by acid solution method. The effects of moisture,ash content, pressure, particle size and mineral composition on the electroconductivity of ultra - pure anthracite were investigated bypowder resistivity tester. The results show that the electrical conductivity of anthracite increases with the increase of moisture and pressure.The electrical conductivity increases gradually with the decrease of ash content. The electrical conductivity increases sharply with the ashcontent decreasing when the ash content is less than 1.0%. When the pressure is 4.00 MPa, the moisture is 6.21%, the particle size is 0.20.1 mm, and the ash content is reduced to 0.13%, the electrical conductivity of anthracite is the best, and its electrical conductivity is1.44×10-7 S/ cm. In the study range, the influence of particle size on the conductivity of anthracite is small. The order of electrical conductivity of common minerals in coal is: pyrite > kaolinite > silica > calcium carbonate > calcium sulfate, pyrite has the highest conductivityvalue, which reaches 1.32×10-2 S/ cm. The electrical conductivity of anthracite increases with the increase of pyrite content, but decreaseswith the increase of other mineral content. The response surface model is used to optimize the orthogonal experimental results, and thequadratic regression equation between the electrical conductivity of anthracite and moisture, ash content and particle size is obtained. Theinfluence of moisture and ash content on the conductivity testing results of anthracite is significant, in which ash has the greatest influenceon conductivity, followed by moisture and particle size.

ultra-pure anthracite
electrical resistivity
electrical conductivity
influencing factors
orthogonal experi
Citation format:
Citation format:
SONG Shulei,YAN Shanwen,XU Xuan,et al.Influencing factors on electroconductivity of ultra-pure anthracite[J].CleanCoal Technology,2024,30(1):1-9.

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