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Emission control of unconventional pollutants during coal combustion

2023 No. 10
ZHANG Junying
CUI Xiangzheng
WANG Zhikang
WANG Jianhao
XIAO Rihong
ZHAO Yongchun
National Key Laboratory of Coal Combustion and Low Carbon Utilization,Huazhong University of Science and Technology
National Environmental Protection Engineering Technology Center for Trace Elements Pollution Control and Low Carbon Utilization of Coal
Wuhan Branch of National Energy Group Science and Technology Research Institute Co.,Ld.

With the development of industry, people are increasingly concerned about environmental protection and health issues. Coalfired power plants are one of the main anthropogenic sources of atmospheric pollutants. Currently, China′s control of conventional pollutants such as dust, SO2, and NOx has reached international leading levels. At the same time, the control of unconventional pollutants generated during the coal combustion process, such as PM2.5, heavy metals, mercury, SO3, and VOCs, has become a hot and challenging research topic. Based on the characteristics of the generation and emission of unconventional pollutants in coal-fired power plants, the advantages, disadvantages, and challenges of current air pollutant control devices (APCDs) and various unconventional pollutant controltechnologies were analyzed. Specifically, the current situation of controlling the emission of five typical unconventional pollutants from coalfired power was discussed. Firstly, the current status of PM2.5 emission control during coal combustion was analyzed from the perspective ofvarious agglomeration technologies. Secondly, the current status of heavy metal emission control was analyzed from three perspectives: before combustion, during combustion, and after combustion, and the advantages of heterogeneous agglomeration technology in treatingheavy metal pollution from coal-fired power were elaborated. Thirdly, the current status of mercury emission control was analyzed from theperspectives of carbon based and non carbon based adsorbents, and the demonstration effect of magnetospheres mercury removal technologyin controlling mercury emissions from coal combustion was emphasized. Fourthly, the current status of SO3 emission control was analyzedfrom the perspectives of alkaline adsorbents, chemical agglomeration, and non alkaline adsorbents, highlighting the innovation of hightemperature Sulfonation-based SO3 removal. Fifthly, the current status of VOCs emission control was analyzed from the perspectives of tailgas purification devices and activated carbon injection technology. In addition, considering the current status of unconventional pollutantcontrol in China, suitable methods for synergistic removal of pollutants were proposed, providing a reference for the future application ofmulti-pollutant synergistic removal technologies in coal-fired power plants.

coal combustion
unconventional pollutants
control technology
collaborative removal
Citation format:
Citation format:
ZHANG Junying,CUI Xiangzheng,WANG Zhikang,et al.Emission control of unconventional pollutants during coal combustion[J].Clean Coal Technology,2023,29(10):1-16.

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