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Preparation of activated carbon for flue gas cleaning by carbonization andactivation integration process and its denitrification performance

2023 No. 08
LU Xiaodong
MA Rongfu
Activated Carbon Branch,Xinjiang Energy Co., Ltd.
Huaibei CleanECO-Technology Co.
China Coal Processing and Utilization Association
State Key Laboratory of Coal Mining and Clean Utilization
Beijing Research Institute of Coal Chemistry,China Coal Research Institute Corporation Ltd.

Carbonization and activation integration process can shorten the process of activated carbon preparation, save investment and re⁃duce consumption, for the production of flue gas purification of activated carbon has more obvious advantages. Under the established pro⁃duction process conditions, raw coal determines the strength, pore structure and surface chemistry of activated carbon to a large extent. Atpresent, the influence of using the characteristics of raw material coal to adjust the performance of activated coal products is rarely studied.Typical coal of different rank is selected as raw materials, and the activated carbon is prepared by carbonization and activation integrated(CAI) and carbonization and activation segmentation (CAS) process respectively. And the use of CAI process with single coal to prepareactivated carbon products. Compared with the yield rate and the main indexes of activated carbon samples, the pore structure and sur⁃face chemical characteristics of activated carbon are correlated with the denitrification, and the results show that: the yield rate of activa⁃ted carbon prepared by CAI process is significantly higher than that of the comprehensive rate of CAS, and the abrasive resistanceand compression strength of activated carbon samples are improved compared with the segmented process. The bulk density, abrasive re⁃sistance and compression strength of the activated carbon prepared from lignite and long-flame coal cannot meet the requirements of na⁃tional standards. The SCR denitrification activity of activated carbon prepared from single coal is sorted as: weakly caking coal > anthracite> long flame coal > lignite. Activated carbon prepared from lignite and long flame coal has a high mesopore ratio, but the carbonizationand activation yield are considerable low, and the surface functional groups are not developed, especially the low content of acidoxygen-containing functional groups on the surface which leads to the poor denitrification performance of SCR. The specific surface areaand pore structure of activated carbon prepared by blending anthracite and weak coking coal are in between the parameters of the activa⁃ted carbon preparation from single coal. The activated carbon prepared from coal blending has abundant surface functional groups, and thetotal concentration of acidic/ basic sites is higher than that prepared from single coals. In particular, the concentration of acidicoxygen-containing functional groups is increased to promote the SCR denitrification performance of activated coke.

activated carbon
carbonization and activation integrated
denitrification performance
flue gas cleaning
Citation format:
Citation format:
LU Xiaodong, XI Yi, YANG Qian,et al.Preparation of activated carbon for flue gas cleaning by carbonization and activa⁃tion integration process and its denitrification performance[J].Clean Coal Technology,2023,29(8):73-83.

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