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Coupling optimization of carbon capture system with MVR heat pump energy-saving process

2023 No. 04
HAN Bing
WANG Ziyang
TIAN Xiangfeng
ZHANG Kefang
GONG Liang
LIU Haoxuan
Longyuan (Beijing) Carbon Asset Management Technology Co.,Ltd.,China Energy Investment
New Energy Institute,China University of Petroleum (East China)

Chemical absorption method is an important way to capture carbon dioxide in coal-fired power plants,but the high energy consumption in the process restricts its development.The carbon capture process integrated MVR pump is an important means to reduce energy consumption. The main drawbacks of current researches,which mainly use software for simulation optimization,are inflexible selection of constraint conditions,the local optimization of parameters for the MVR part and complicated simulation process. In order to address the lack of researches,based on the data of the carbon capture system that captures 2 million tons of carbon dioxide annually,the overall modeling optimization of the desorption unit integrated with MVR pump was carried out with flexible constraint selection and simple and intuitive optimization process. Firstly,the thermodynamic model of CO2 absorption by MEA and the mathematical model of MVR heat pump equipment were established,and the design parameters of the MVR heat pump process flow were obtained. On this basis,taking the minimum desorption energy consumption as the objective function,the small terminal difference and the final pressure of secondary steam compression of the lean and rich liquid heat exchanger were optimized. Then,based on the optimization results,the flash pressure of MVR system was optimized when the final pressure of secondary steam compression was 140 kPa and the small end difference of lean and rich liquid heat exchanger was 5 ℃. The optimization results show that the optimal flash pressure is 109.2 kPa,and the minimum equivalent desorption energy consumption of the capture system is 2.82 GJ/t (in terms of CO2). Compared with the conventional carbon capture system,the energy saving is 5.61%,with obvious energy saving effect. The economic analysis results show that the investment of energy saving optimization scheme of integrating MVR pump is 7.082 8 million yuan,the annual net income is 5.235 5 million yuan,the net present value is 34.492 million yuan,and the dynamic payback period of the investment is 1.5 years.

MEA absorption method
carbon capture system
energy saving
Citation format:
Citation format:
HAN Bing,WANG Ziyang,TIAN Xiangfeng,et al.Coupling optimization of carbon capture system with MVR heat pump energy-saving process[J].Clean Coal Technology,2023,29(4):121-128.

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