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Research and development on deoxidation technology of coal bed methane

2021 No. 05
ZHANG Jinhua
LIU Shuxian
QIN Qiang
HE Lixin
National Institute of Clean-and-Low-Carbon Energy

Coal bed methane (CBM) is a type of unconventional natural gas resource. The utilizaiton ratio of coal bed methane drained from underground is less than 40% since the low concentration CBM can not be used effectively. The enrichment of this low concentration CBM is an effective way to utilize. However,high content oxygen existing in CBM is an important bottleneck to restrict the utilization of CBM. In view of the existence of oxygen brings certain safety risks and utilization problems in the utilization process,this paper briefly introduces the general situation of CBM resources in china,and the research progress of CBM deoxidation technologies such as combustion,pressure swing adsorption and cryogenic separation was summarized. The principle of deoxidizing technology and the development of deoxidizing materials such as catalyst and adsorbent were introduced. The results show that the catalytic combustion technology is relatively mature,and the development of cheap and highly reactive catalysts is the key to improve deoxidation efficiency. The key of carbon material combustion method is to control the reactive temperature and reduce the methane cracking caused by the relatively high combustion temperature. The key of pressure swing adsorption is the adsorbent with high CH4/O2 selectivity. The selectivity directly determines the feasibility and economy of separation. For cryogenic separation,low temperature is required and energy consumption is large,which is suitable for large-scale gas source treatment. Pressure swing adsorption and cryogenic separation have certain basis in industrial demonstration,but there is a risk of crossing the explosion limit in dealing with the low concentration of coal bed methane,process safety assessment and explosion suppression measures are the focus of further improvement. Chemical-looping combustion,nonmetal reduction and membrane separation are all in the early stage of laboratory exploration,which need to be further studied. In the end,it is pointed out that in addition to the continuous improvement of various technologies,the future needs to choose the coal bed methane deoxidization technology according to the advantages and disadvantages of each technology for technical coupling based on the gas source concentration and the enrichment process of deoxidization gas.

coal bed methane
combustion method
pressure swing adsorption
nonmetal-reduction method
catalytic oxidation
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