Analysis of real furnace test and calculation of hydrodynamic power forlow load deep peaking of 350 MW supercritical boiler
2024 No. 09
SONG Yuanyuan
GUO Zerui
AN Ning
State Key Laboratory of Multiphase Flow in Power Engineering,Xi′an Jiaotong University
The sustainable development of energy makes deep peaking a crucial part of thermal power generation technology. In order to analyze the flexibility modification capability of the boiler of supercritical coal-fired unit and the hydrodynamic safety characteristics of waterwall system during deep peaking, for the structural characteristics of a 350 MW supercritical spiral coil boiler, the complex water wall system was divided into flow loops and pressure nodes based on the flow mesh system method, and a nonlinear calculation model for solvingthe hydrodynamic characteristics of a supercritical boiler was established by combining the three major conservation laws and the heattransfer equation. On the basis of the real furnace test, the actual heat absorption deviation distribution along the width of the furnace at26.3% BMCR (92 MW) load was backpropagated, and the vapor temperature and pressure drop of the upper furnace exit calculated bythe program were compared with the measured data of the real furnace to verify the reliability of the model. On the basis of the real furnacetest study, the nodal pressure and loop mass flow rate distributions of the water wall, the trends of the outlet vapor temperature deviationand the wall temperature along the direction of the furnace height were studied and analyzed under 20% BMCR (70 MW) deep peakingload condition, and the calibration calculations were performed for the flow instability. Calculation results show that the supercritical spiral coil boiler in 20% BMCR deep peaking load operation, the total system pressure drop is 0.603 7 MPa, the maximum outlet steam temperature deviation of the upper hearth is 29.4 ℃ , the maximum outer wall temperature is 381.1 ℃ , and the maximum fin end temperatureis 383.4 ℃ , and the wall temperature and fin temperatures are all in the permissible temperature range of the material, which ensures safeand reliable hydrodynamics for 20% BMCR deep peaking load operation, and the flow stability is good.
deep peaking
supercritical boiler
real furnace testing
hydrodynamic calculation
flow instability
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SONG Yuanyuan,GUO Zerui,AN Ning,et al.Analysis of real furnace test and calculation of hydrodynamic power for lowload deep peaking of 350 MW supercritical boiler[J].Clean Coal Technology,2024,30(9):33-42.