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Synergistic mechanism of elements inside of carbon peakingNational Quality Infrastructure NQI based on Haken model

2024 No. 08
HUA Tianyi
ZHAO Yingna
School of Energy and Power Engineering,Huazhong University of Science and Technology

Under the background of " dual carbon" , actively exerting the synergy of National Quality Infrastructure (NQI) elements suchas measurement, standards, conformity assessment (certification and recognition & inspection and testing), which can provide importantintegrated quality basic support services for the first carbon peak in typical industries such as thermal power. The level of NQI synergy innovation and application technology in China can reach the international advanced level in individual regions and individual fields, butthere are still obvious gaps in the overall, the systematic development of NQI synergy is insufficient, and the industrial support capacity ofNQI synergy is weak. Therefore, in order to promote the synergetic development of NQI, an NQI coevolution model based on the Haken model was constructed to deeply explore the internal synergetic mechanism of NQI, reasonable normalization processing according to theinternal order parameters of each identified element was carried out, and then the order parameters and key variables of NQI was identified, and the current synergetic development of the three elements of NQI in China was systematically analyzed. And NQI syenrgy supportthermal power industry low-carbon development suggestions was gave. The results show that the order parameter of NQI synergetic development in China is the metrological factor, and the key variable is the standard factor. The development of the metrological factor plays apositive role in the NQI synergetic development, but the development of the standard factor has not formed a positive feedback effect on thedevelopment of NQI. The development of the three elements of NQI in China has been improved every year, among which the developmentof standards is the fastest, followed by measurement, and conformity assessment is the slowest. Measurement development is limited by thedevelopment of standards but it is also advancing. Conformity assessment requires the country to introduce more policies to promote the development of conformity assessment. There are regional differences in the development of NQI in China, especially the development of conformity assessment, which requires the state to introduce relevant policies to encourage the development of conformity assessment institutions in underdeveloped areas. Finally, in terms of NQI synergy support for low-carbon development of thermal power industry, it is necessary to strengthen the formulation of carbon emission measurement standards, strengthen carbon market data supervision, improve thetransparency and credibility of carbon data, introduce relevant policies to encourage enterprises to adopt advanced carbon emission technologies, and actively participate in the construction of NQI.

Haken model
conformity assessment
Citation format:
Citation format:
HUA Tianyi,LONG Yan,WANG Bin,et al.Synergistic mechanism of elements inside of carbon peaking National Quality Infrastructure NQI based on Haken model[J].Clean Coal Technology,2024,30(8):11-17.

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