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Recent advances in full-spectrum solar photothermocatalytichydrogen production

2024 No. 12
MA Rong
LI Donghui
YAN Xiaoqing
WEI Jinjia
School of Chemical Engineering and Technology,Xi’an Jiaotong University

Solar hydrogen production is one of the key technological approaches for the vigorous development and utilization of renewableenergy in China under the backdrop of the “carbon peak and neutrality” goals. Full-spectrum solar photothermalcatalytic hydrogenproduction,as a novel green hydrogen generation technology,leverages the synergistic advantages of photocatalysis and thermal catalysisto efficiently drive hydrogen production reactions under relatively mild conditions,achieving comprehensive utilization of full-spectrumsolar energy. Currently,this technology has demonstrated significant development potential across various hydrogen production systems.However,there are significant differences in the photothermal catalytic mechanisms and hydrogen production efficiencies across varioushydrogen generation systems,which urgently require further systematic organization and integration. Hence,recent advances in relevantresearch both domestically and internationally are reviewed in this paper. The solar photothermocatalytic hydrogen production technology of different hydrogen source systems(water systems, carbon-based fuel systems, and nitrogen-based raw material systems) iscomprehensively reviewed and categorized. In addition, the mechanisms, performance advantages, and technical characteristics ofphotothermocatalysis are emphatically summarized. Specifically, photothermaocatalytic hydrogen production systems from water arecategorized into two approaches: freshwater-based hydrogen production and seawater-based hydrogen production. The promotion ofhydrogen production reactions and the enhancement of the full-spectrum solar utilization efficiency in photothermocatalytic watersplitting are due to the elevation of the reaction temperature and the acceleration of charge carrier migration and separation,which arefacilitated by the unique heterojunction structure or localized surface plasmon resonance effects of the catalyst. Photothermocatalytichydrogen production systems from carbon-based fuels are subdivided into hydrogen production from methanol, methane, and othercarbon-based fuels. The characteristics of the photothermocatalytic technology in this system are to reduce reaction activation energy,enhance the selective conversion of intermediate products, and prevent catalyst poisoning or deactivation. In addition, thephotothermocatalytic systems for nitrogen-based raw materials include hydrogen production via ammonia decomposition and from ureawastewater. Water and urea in urea wastewater are simultaneously utilized for hydrogen production through photothermocatalytictechnology, realizing a reaction pathway for dual hydrogen source hydrogen generation, while potentially solving the problem ofwastewater treatment. Under the trend of energy transition in China, full-spectrum solar photothermocatalytic hydrogen production,characterized by its wide availability of hydrogen sources, mild reaction conditions, and high hydrogen production performance, isexpected to become a significant technology for green hydrogen production.

hydrogen production
water systems
carbon-based fuel systems
nitrogen-based raw material systems
Citation format:
Citation format:
GUAN Jian, MA Rong, LI Donghui, et al. Recent advances in full-spectrum solar photothermocatalytic hydrogen production[J].Clean Coal Technology,2024,30(12):22−37.

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