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Coal grading utilization technologies based on coal pyrolysis:Review and prospect

2023 No. 07
SHANG Jianxuan
NIU Menglong
DU Pengpeng
LIU Qiufang
MA Baoqi
Shaanxi Coal and Chemical Industry Group Co.,Ltd.
National Key Laboratory of Clean Coal Grading Conversion
College of Chemistry & Chemical Engineering,Xi′an Shiyou University
Shaanxi Coal and Chemical Industry TechnologyResearch Institute Co.,Ltd.

The development of clean and efficient utilization of coal is of great significance to ensure national energy security, support na⁃tional economic development and realize the goal of double carbon. Coal grading utilization technologies based on coal pyrolysis with theadvantages of high energy conversion efficiency, low carbon emission and low water consumption has become the most promising technicalroute and industrial practical direction of coal clean and efficient utilization. The development history of coal pyrolysis technology at homeand abroad was systematically reviewed. The development and application of coal pyrolysis technology in foreign countries were introducedbased on two periods, i.e., the early industrialization in the early to middle of the 20th century and the in-depth research in the 1960s tothe end of the 1990s. The typical technologies and industrialization progress of independent research and development in the pyrolysisprocesses of moving bed, rotary kiln, fluidized bed, belt furnace, rotary furnace and gas bed since 2000 were reviewed. The technology ofclean and efficient conversion of coal grading with multiple co-production has undergone more than a decade of development, and a devel⁃opment system for this technology has been established. Based on the characteristics of resources in northern Shaanxi, multi - co production modes such as coal-oil-electricity-chemical and coal-salt-oil-chemical have been established. The basic research, technicalexploration and industrial practice of Shaanxi Coal and Chemical Industry Group in the field of coal grading utilization technology were em⁃phatically introduced. Finally, the future development of coal grading utilization technologies based on coal pyrolysis was prospected fromthree aspects: the basic research on the application of pulverized coal pyrolysis, development direction of tar grading utilization technolo⁃gy, and the development of system coupling and integration technology. It is an important development direction to establish coal gradingutilization technology with more abundant product forms, lower energy consumption, higher project economy and comprehensive resourceutilization, low carbon and environmental protection, multi-technology integration and coupling.

coal pyrolysis
coal grading utilization
development history
Citation format:
Citation format:
SHANG Jianxuan,NIU Ben,NIU Menglong,et al.Coal grading utilization technologies based on coal pyrolysis:Review and prospect[J].Clean Coal Technology,2023,29(7):1-20.

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