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Capacitive deionization of high N-doping carbon nanocages preparedby chemical vapor deposition

2024 No. 07
XUE Yuhong
BAI Xiang
FU Guiyi
WEI Xianyong
HE Xiaoyan
ZHAO Hongguang
WANG Yanli
Key Laboratory of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering on Heavy-Carbon Resources,Yili Normal University
The Xinjiang Coal Gasification and By-Products Comprehensive Utilization Engineering Technology Research Center,Xinjiang Qinghua Energy Group Co.,Ltd.

field force. It has great potential in brine pre-concentration and reducing the energy consumption of zero liquid discharge desalination.However, the current CDI technology is limited by the low electro-adsorption active sites and uncontrollable pore structure distribution ofporous carbon electrodes, resulting in low desalination capacity and charge efficiency, which hinders its further application. Therefore,highly active surfaces and structurally controllable N-doped carbon nanocages (N-CNC) were constructed by a chemical vapor deposition method using pyridine as a carbon source and alkaline magnesium carbonate as a templating agent to investigate their desalinationproperties. Through precise control of the carrier gas and pyridine quantities, the resulting N-CNC consists of 3- 5 layers of graphitized carbon arranged in a hollow rectangular morphology. The average thickness of the outer wall ranges from 1 to 2 nm, with an impressive N content reaching up to 4.2%. Benefitting from its exceptional porous structure distribution and rich surface chemistry, N-CNC exhibits electrochemical behavior primarily contributed by its pseudo-capacitive properties. The desalination test results of the assembled N-CNC/ / N-CNC symmetric module using the single-pass desalination mode show that the salt adsorption capacity and charge efficiency are21.8 mg/ g and 82%, respectively, with low energy consumption of 0.71 Wh/ g. Further treatment of coal chemical high-salinity water testshow excellent anion absorption performance. Electric adsorption desalination capacity of Cl,SO ,NO are 33.4,20.5,8.9 mg/ g,of which theselectivity ratio of Cl / SO is as high as 5.1. This study provides a simple and controllable preparation method for N-doped carbon nanocagestructure, which provides certain theoretical and technical support for the industrialization application of CDI concentrated industrial brine.

chemical vapor deposition
carbon nano-cages
capacitive desalination
adsorption capacity
coal chemical wastewater
Citation format:
Citation format:
XUE Yuhong,YIERXIATI·Dilixiatia,GULGINA·Pidamamatia,et al.Capacitive deionization of high N-doping carbonnanocages prepared by chemical vapor deposition[J].Clean Coal Technology,2024,30(7):78-86.

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