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Recent advances on calcium looping thermochemical energy storage and itscoupling for CO2 capture

2024 No. 10
DAI Jinyu
LUO Cong
LI Xiaoshan
WU Fan
State Key Laboratory of Coal Combustion and Low Carbon Utilization,School of Energy and Power Engineering,Huazhong University of Science and Technology

The principle of calcium looping thermochemical energy storage is to use the reaction of calcium-based heat carrier (mainly CaO) and CO2 to form a reversible endothermic and exothermic chemical looping cycle. Due to the low cost,wide source,high heat storage density of calcium-based raw materials,calcium looping technology is considered as a very potential thermochemical heat storage technology with good application prospects. In addition,in the process of calcium looping heat storage and release,CO2 can be captured by carbonation reaction to form a coupling between heat storage and CO2 capture, which decreases the energy consumption of CO2capture. However,calcium-based heat carrier is prone to deactivation and abrasion in the process of recycling,and most of research in calcium looping thermochemical energy storage system is still in the laboratory stage. Furthermore, its coupling with CO2 capture aggravate the sintering deactivation of calcium based heat carrier. In this regard,a lot of basic research has been carried out ,and a series of methods have been proposed to enhance the activity of calcium base carrier,reduce attrition and improve the efficiency of calcium looping heat storage. The research progress of calcium looping thermochemical energy storage and its coupling with CO2 capture technology was reviewed. The research progress of calcium looping technology in recent years was summarized from three aspects: physicochemicalproperties and modification methods of calcium-based materials,design of calcium looping heat storage and CO2 capture system,anddesign of calcium looping reactor, including the calcium looping heat storage assisting solar power generation, the improvement ofcalcium looping coupled CO2 capture system,the characteristics and problems of direct and indirect irradiation reactors. At last,the mainproblems at the present stage and the research direction of this technology in the future was summarized.

calcium looping
carbon dioxide capture
thermochemical energy storage
solar power
Citation format:
Citation format:
DAI Jinyu,LUO Cong,LI Xiaoshan,et al. Recent advances on calcium looping thermochemical energy storage and its coupling for CO2 capture[J].Clean Coal Technology,2024,30(10):1−18.

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