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Influence of coal blending on fusion characteristics ofhigh alkali coal ash in Xinjiang

2023 No. 07
LYU Junxin
LIN Xiongchao
KAWA Omarjiang
YANG Yuanping
BAO Yahan
WANG Yonggang
State Key Laboratory of Coal Mining and Clean Utilization
School of Chemical and Environmental Engineering,China University of Mining & Technology-Beijing
School of Mechanical Engineering,Tsinghua University
Yankuang Xinjiang Coal Chemical Co.,Ltd.

In order to study the influence mechanism of coal blending on the ash melting behavior of high-alkali coal in Xinjiang,two typi⁃cal Xinjiang Zhundong coals with large differences in alkali metal content were used to explore the influence and control mechanism onthe melting characteristics of blended coal ash. The ash samples were analyzed by XRD,SEM-EDX,and XRF,and the chemical composi⁃tion,mineral composition,and microscopic morphology evolution of single coal ash and mixed coal ash were investigated at high tempera⁃tures. The phase transformation and mineral composition of were simulated by Factsage to reveal the mechanism of influence of coal blend⁃ing on the high-temperature melting behavior of high-alkali coal ash in Xinjiang. Studies have shown that high alkali coal ash has highNa2O content,and feldspar minerals formed at high temperatures are the main reasons for the low melting temperature of ash. Coal blend⁃ing changes the chemical composition of coal ash and changes the evolution behavior of minerals in coal ash at high temperature,which de⁃termines that mixed coal ash have different melting characteristics. However,the ash fusion temperature of blended coal has a nonlinear re⁃lationship with the proportion of coal blending. When the ratio of MC coal to BS coal is 1 ∶ 4,the blended ash has the lowest ash fusiontemperature,and when the ratio is 4 ∶ 1,the blended ash fusion temperature is the highest. The low-melting-point minerals labradorite,di⁃opside and bytownite in high-temperature coal ash can undergo low-temperature eutectic with quartz and mullite,resulting in a decrease inash melting temperature. Thermodynamic calculation results show that feldspar,cordierite,pyroxene and quartz minerals interact to form alow melting temperature eutectic at high temperature,which reduces the formation temperature of liquid phase. The thermodynamic calcula⁃tion results are similar to the X-ray diffraction results.

high alkali coal
melting characteristics
coal blending
Citation format:
Citation format:
LYU Junxin,LIN Xiongchao,KAWA Omarjiang,et al.Influence of coal blending on fusion characteristics of high alkali coal ash in Xinjiang[J].Clean Coal Technology,2023,29(7):125-132.

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