Simulation optimization of oxygen-fuel combustion retrofitting of cementproduction system
2025 No. 02
WANG Yuting
ZHOU Yuegui
College of Smart Energy,Shanghai Jiao Tong University
Institute of Thermal Energy Engineering,School of Mechanical Engineering,Shanghai Jiao Tong University
The dry process cement production equipment with a daily production capacity of 3,000 tonnes of clinker was taken as theresearch object,and Aspen Plus software was used to establish the corresponding production process model. The system energy efficiencyof cement clinker production by using oxygen-fuel pulverised coal combustion was investigated,as well as the CO2 capture and integrationof the system. The results show that a flue gas recirculation rate of 51% results in an oxygen-fuel atmosphere with the overall oxygenconcentration of 26.4% with the temperature profile of the system closest to the air atmosphere at the same cement clinker inputcondition. The air separation device and CO2 purification and compression device required for oxygen-fuel combustion will lead to adecrease in the energy efficiency of the system,which is 18.9% lower than that of the traditional method,and the production of 1 tonne ofcement clinker using this method costs 532.1 yuan. However,the CO2 capture cost of the system for cement clinker production usingoxygen-fuel pulverised coal combustion technology is 227.3 yuan/t,which is 58% lower than that of the traditional post-combustion CO2capture cost. Accordingly,the use of oxygen-fuel combustion technology for cement clinker production not only ensures the clinker yieldand quality,but also has a significant carbon capture cost advantage as the CO2 capture cost is lower than that of post-combustion carboncapture technologies.
cement production
oxygen-fuel combustion
thermal performance optimization
technical-economic analysis
system integration
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Citation format:
CHEN Tao,WANG Yuting,ZHOU Yuegui. Simulation optimization of oxygen-fuel combustion retrofitting of cementproduction system[J].Clean Coal Technology,2025,31(2):20−28.