Coal reverse filtration combustion involves clean coal combustion,pollutant and disaster prevention and control. In-depthstudy of reverse filtration combustion wave model is of great significance for China to achieve carbon neutrality and sustainabledevelopment. In-depth study of the reverse filtration combustion wave model is of great significance for China to achieve the goal ofcarbon neutrality and sustainable development. However,there are still several key problems to be solved in this model :① The traditionaloxygen component transport equation is difficult to solve the problem of oxygen non-equilibrium between gas and solid phases. ② Thereis a lack of in-depth analysis of the dynamics and oxygen supply control mechanism of the reverse propagation dynamic process offiltration combustion wave. Based on this,a numerical model of reverse filtration combustion wave including five-step reaction system isconstructed. At the same time,two different coal samples ( bituminous coal CC and anthracite XA ) were used to study the reversefiltration combustion under different flow conditions (8,32,64 L/min ). The results show that : The model is in good agreement withthe experiments,and it successfully predicts the propagation process of reverse filtration combustion wave. As the flow rate decreases,thereduction in oxygen supply leads to reduced reactivity,resulting in a decrease in both peak temperature and propagation rate. At the sametime,the peak temperature is also affected by the type of coal sample. Under the same flow condition,the temperature of XA coal sample islower than that of CC coal sample. As the reaction temperature increases,the reaction rate accelerates,and the limiting conditions ofreverse filtration combustion from kinetic mechanism to oxygen transport mechanism.