Denitration performance of catalytic filter bag and synergistic purification ofwaste incineration flue gas
2024 No. 11
DING Delong
WU Zhepeng
GE Chunliang
MA Rushuang
WEI Tingfan
HU Daqing
YANG Jianguo
Zhejiang Tiandi Environmental Protection Technology Co.,Ltd.
State Key Laboratory of Clean Energy Utilization,Zhejiang University
Jiaxing Research Institute of Zhejiang University
Aiming at the technical idea of catalytic filter bag for synergistic purification of waste incineration flue gas deacidification,denitration and dedust, a synergistic purification experimental system was established. The effects of key factors on the denitrationperformance of catalytic filter bag were studied under the premise of waste incineration flue gas deacidification. Then the optimizedparameters were selected to carry out the synergistic purification experiments. The results show that the denitration efficiency changes byabout 15% within the applicable temperature range of 180−220 ℃. The ammonia escape decreases by about 0.9 μL/L for every 10 ℃increase. At 150 ℃,both denitration efficiency and ammonia escape concentration deviate seriously from the demand value. With theincrease of ammonia nitrogen ratio 0.1 mol/mol, flue gas moisture content 5%, inlet NOx concentration 100 mg/Nm and filtrationvelocity 0.1 m/min, the variation of denitration efficiency is about 4.1%, −2.6%, 2.7% and −1.7% respectively, and the variation ofammonia escape concentration is about 1.9,0.5,2.3 and 0.6 μL/L respectively. In the synergistic purification experiments of deacidificationand denitration,when the stoichiometric ratio of NaHCO3 to HCl+SO2 was 1.1 mol/mol,the removal efficiency of HCl was basically stableat about 96%,and the removal efficiency of SO2 reached more than 97% and increased slightly with the increase of NH3/NO. When theNH3/NO is above 1 mol/mol, the denitration efficiency can reach more than 70%. For every 0.1 mol/mol increase in NH3/NO, thedenitration efficiency increases by about 3.2%,and the ammonia escape concentration increases by about 3.1 μL/L.
waste incineration flue gas
catalytic filter bag
synergic purification
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Citation format:
DING Delong, WU Zhepeng, GE Chunliang, et al. Denitration performance of catalytic filter bag and synergistic purification of waste incineration flue gas[J].Clean Coal Technology,2024,30(11):66−74.