Review of bench and pilot-scale testing for calcium looping capture of carbon dioxide
2024 No. 08
WANG Changqing
TAN Yuyao
LIN Mingwei
LIU Wenqiang
DENG Lidan
ZHOU Zijian
XU Minghou
State Key Laboratory of Coal Combustion and Low CarbonUtilization
CO generated by coal-fired power plants could exacerbate the greenhouse effect, so achieving greenhouse gas emission reduction goals is crucial. Carbon capture technology has been identified as a key measure to reduce carbon emissions in the power sector.When mature technologies such as amine scrubbing and oxygen combustion technology are integrated into power plants, efficiency penalty could result in high efficiency penalty ( 8. 0 - 12. 5%). For this reason, to minimize efficiency penalties and related increasedpower costs, new carbon dioxide capture technologies have been developed. The calcium looping process is a promising technologythat could reduce efficiency penalty to 7%. Due to the high cost of capital, cost-effective technologies with commercial scale have not yetbeen developed. Before designing and constructing commercial scale devices, it is necessary to have a deep understanding of the systembehavior under various operating conditions to optimize process parameters and evaluate feasibility. An overview of the available bench-scale and pilot-scale testing facilities worldwide. Characteristics and operating conditions of the testing equipment were summarized, keyexperimental results were also extracted, indicating that the feasibility of the CaL process has been widely studied in bench-scale and pilot-scale facilities ranging from 1 kW -1.9 MW. In these CaL systems, the operating temperature range of the carbonator is 600-700 ℃ , and the operating temperature of the calciner is 800-1 000 ℃ . The CO entering the carbonator comes from the power plantand can achieve CO capture efficiency of over 90%. In addition, adjusting operational design parameters such as CO inletconcentration, carbonation or calcination temperature, etc. will affect CO capture efficiency. In summary, these results provide valuableoperational data for the development of future large-scale platforms, which will also be the key to expanding and deploying this technologyin future development.
coal fired power plant
carbon capture
calcium looping
pilot plant
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Citation format:
WANG Changqing,TAN Yuyao,LIN Mingwei,et al.Review of bench and pilot-scale testing for calcium looping captureof carbon dioxide[J].Clean Coal Technology,2024,30(8):170-184.