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Performance optimization of catalyst for direct coal liquefaction

2023 No. 08
CHEN Chuanfu
XIE Jing
GUI Hezheng
Ordos Coal to Oil branch,China Shenhua Coal to Oil Chemical Co.,Ltd.
Shanghai Research Institute,China Shenhua Coal to Liquid and Chemical
National Engineering Laboratory for Direct Coal Liquefaction

In order to improve the performance of direct coal liquefaction catalyst and the operation stability of oxidation reactor, the influ⁃encing factors of catalyst performance and operation stability of oxidation reactor were analyzed. The operating conditions such as oxidationreaction temperature, pH of reaction environment, oxidation air volume, material flow rate and material concentration in the reactor, aswell as the optimization and adjustment measures of oxidation reactor tray structure during the preparation of catalyst were studied. The cat⁃alysts prepared under different operating conditions were evaluated in the laboratory for direct liquefaction of autoclave coal. The resultsshow that the morphology of α-FeOOH and γ-FeOOH crystal catalysts is rod-like or slate-like structure, and the higher the specific sur⁃face area is, the higher the coal liquefaction activity is. γ-FeOOH crystal catalyst has the best catalytic effect on coal pyrolysis to asphalt⁃ene compared with Fe3O4 crystal catalyst. Different catalysts is prepared by adjusting the operating conditions such asthe oxidation reactiontemperature, reaction environment pH, oxidation air flow. Through comparison with electronmicroscope scanning, it is found that the cata⁃lyst prepared under operating conditions of lower reaction temperature, loweroxidation environment, pH and higher oxidation air volume onindustrial devices has better crystal morphology. The product of the catalyst can form α-FeOOH or γ-FeOOH crystal phase, which hashigh dispersion characteristics and the best performance of the catalyst. Through analyzing the problems of high oxidation reaction tempera⁃ture, frequent failure of online pH meter and frequent clogging of oxidation reactor tray in the preparation of direct coal liquefaction catalystin industrial installations, the methods of reducing oxidation reaction temperature, optimizing pH monitoring of reaction environment andsubsequent improvement measures were put forward. At the same time, by increasing the flow rate of materials and reducing the number oftrays in the oxidation reactor, the blocking of trays can be slowed down, and the operation time of the oxidation reactor can be prolongedand the operation stability can be improved.

direct coal liquefaction
the catalyst
crystalline phases
oxidation reaction
Citation format:
Citation format:
WANG Xiwu,CHEN Chuanfu,XIE Jing,et al.Performance optimization of catalyst for direct coal liquefaction[ J].CleanCoal Technology,2023,29(8):41-46.

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